and most of you are right
On the 6th was my 1st bdayyy!! it's so good to have the first birthday everrr riteee..
Mommy's friend auntie Veri has left Malaysia for Mommy combined the farewell party and my birthday party.
Are you guys ready for the photos?????
Mommy ordered cake from Pawzbakery and she told me that she met the handsome cocker spaniel spencer.. Mommy i would like to meet him too..
but sadly, on the night of the party, it was raining heavily.. so it was quite hard to bring the cake, coz Daddy was running to get to the house door.. and poor cake.. my jellied-like name wasn't there.. they had fallen off the cake. but it's okay.. Uncle Erwin put them together again..
Mochi is up for adoption.. coz the rescuer will be going back to Indonesia, she rescued Mochi from a restaurant, she was roaming around begging for food. poor Mochi.. but now she is very clean, vaccined and dewormed..she has been taken care of by the rescuer for 1 month. She is now looking for a good home. Please anyone living in Malaysia, if you have any friends want to adopt this cute Mochi. Don't hesitate to contact my mommy okay! oh well, she is having a great dog party in my house, though only 2 of us.. but loving it
hey! More photos coming soon, coz it's in Dad's camera.. my mommy only has this one..coz she was busy with the FOODDDDDDDDDDd!!!!!
oh well..auntie Veri has gone now, sobs... i will miss u auntie Veri! See u in Singapore!!!! ^^
That's a pawsome birthday celebration Maggie. It's so nice to hold paws with a friend
~ Girl girl
That's a lovely celebration, Maggie! Your cake looks super yummy! Did you manage to have loads of it? Those treats from Pawzbakery look very nice too! Glad to hear that you had fun with Mochi, Auntie Veri and your parents!
Oooh, Happy 1st Belated Barkday Maggie! Your cake looks pawsome & I bet it tasted as pawsome as it looked, right? Mommy tried some of the Pawz bakery Cakes before & she said they tasted sooo deeleecious like hooman cakes especially the cheese cake. I hope you had a great birthday!
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Happy belated birthday, Maggie! That looks like one yummy cake! I'm glad that you found a friend in Mochi and I hope that she finds a forever home soon.
I love youw cake..I can see youw's bootiful!
I'm so glad you had a gweat Birfday..don't be sad about youw auntie'llsee hew again!
I hope youw little fwiend finds a fuwwevew home soon!
smoochie kisses
Wowsers! You got a WHOLE CAKE just for your birthday?! You must be one seriously special pup. Hope you had a happy day!
I have a good friend named Mochi too! He's a cool guy that I see at the bark park. We really hope that your friend Mochi finds a wonderful home soon. He's just so cute!
Hi, Maggie!
Sure you had a great birthday! You and Mochi look so happy there!
I hope Mochi finds a lovely home!
and I hope you can see Auntie Veri soon again!
Kisses and hugs
Hapy Barkday Maggie!
That's some yummy cake and treats!
Now thats what I call a cake!
Simba x
What a pretty cake! We hope you got a nice big piece of it!
We hope Mochi finds his forever home soon! He's very handsome!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Maggie - what a nice way to celebrate :)
wet licks
Maltese Paws
Happy Barkday Maggie!
Nice pawty, you desrved it, sweet girl.
I enjoyed your bithday pawty too.
Good evening maggie.
It does and it toasts on the birthday of , ..put together...
Slowly, let's enjoy happy time.
And, it is Japanese that feels the influence of the typhoon. :D
from loved ume tyan
Wow reat pawty Maggie!!
Happy Belated 1st Barkday...
** Mmmm.. that cake looks yummy **
Please come by my blog, the "I love you blog" Award is awaiting for you.
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