Blessed Maggie

Blessed Maggie

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Merry Christmas Everydoggie!!!

My mommy just called me!!
I'm sorry everydoggie..i was busy with Canon and adapting to Auntie jeannette's new home!
My mommy arrived in Indonesia safely.. it was very hard to go online..that's what she said to me...
She has just finished her trip to Solo, Jogjakarta..eating nice food there huh Mommy..
GUYS! Thank you for the cards.. :) I'm loving it...
So me and my mommy want to say

Merry Christmas 2007
Happy New Year 2008

I will update my blog after new year..coz i will be busy christmas-ing with Canon...Yippie!!!
oyea..Aunt Jeanette has a xmas tree!!!!!

Lots of hugs and kisses

Maggie Rusli


Ben & Darling said...

Merry Christmas Maggie!!!!!! & Happy New Year !!!!

I hope you get my card!!!!

Duke said...

Merry Christmas, Maggie! We'll talk with you next year!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Amber said...

Merry Christmas and have a great new year Maggie! :DD

jaffeboy said...

Happy Pawlidays Maggie!

That's a really pretty card you have!

Hope you have lotsa goodies to open tmr!!!

Amber-Mae said...

Maggie, going away again till next year? We'll miss ya. Merry X'mas to you too! Have a great time at Canon's place ok? See ya girl!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

sharkgila said...

Merry Christmas Maggie!


Urban Smoothie Read said...

merry christmas to u, maggie...

hope u had a pawsome day

Anonymous said...

A very Merry Christmas to you and your humans Maggie - and also Canon and his family too!


Crikit, Sparky, Ginger! said...

Merry Merry Christmas our Maggie babe! We know Santa was good to you

xoxo & love licks

Lorenza said...

Happy Holidays Maggie.
I hope you had a great time celebrating Christmas!
See you soon!

Mack said...

Hi pretty girl! So glad to meet you! you look so much like my little sister Paris. You should check her out on my page when you get time.

Baily said...

Wishing you and your family a very happy new year 2008!!!

nose licks

ycling said...


